Mumbai: Looks like it’s about time that celebrities start thinking seriously about the brands they endorse for actor Aamir Khan is in a soup of sorts for promoting a popular phone brand. The actor has been sued by a disgruntle Samsung mobile user after some parts of the instrument were found faulty and the owner refused to replace the handset. And instead of appealing to the consumer court, the enraged consumer, Harmender Singh went ahead and filed a complaint against actor Aamir Khan, who endorses the brand.Story goes that Hemendra Singh, a resident of Shriganganagar in Rajasthan had bought a Samsung cellphone in April this year from a local dealer. But when he faced problems with the phone and the dealer refused to replace the said handset, Singh decided to hold Aamir Khan responsible. As per reports, in his affidavit, Singh has claimed that he bought the cellphone only because Khan endorsed it. Talking to a news daily, Singh said, "I am a fan of Aamir Khan and I believed his claim (advertisement) and bought the handset."And as per the law, a magistrate has issued a summon to the actor asking him to be present before the court on November 29. Singh also claims to have sent a legal notice to Aamir`s residence on August 20, 2010.Talking to a daily, Singh`s lawyer, Rajesh Kumar Luna said, "Aamir is the brand ambassador of the product and as the handset was substandard the court has issued a notice to him."